Tuesday, 3 May 2011

From generalist to specialist?

My visit to the Blitz open day gave me an incredible insight into where I want to be and how to get there if I did choose the games industry. I had a one to one feedback session where my portfolio was critiqued. They judged the work on industry standard, which terrified the life out of me.

I went in to that room expecting to be laughed at. I know that sounds ridiculous and melodramatic, but that’s honestly what was going through my mind. I expected to sit down, open up my portfolio and have to sit there, red faced while the professionals ripped apart my work and said, in the nicest way possible, I’d never make it at this rate, and perhaps should try for a secretarial work instead. Of course, that’s not what happened.. but I’ll go into that in my 2nd year review blog. Oh, I’m such a tease!

So.. after all I have learnt so far, with everything the tutors/professionals have advised and from where the industry stands at this moment in time.. what do I want to be? 


I STILL want to be a concept artist.

Now this is a big thing for me to say. I have been tempted over and over again to stop and reassess my situation.. to convince myself to stop dreaming about becoming a concept artist. I have been told that only the best of the best can get that job and it’s unbelievably easy to just think.. SCREW IT, this shit is too stressful, I’ll aim for the easier option..

But this was never going to be easy, in fact, if it was easy.. I’d be disappointed.

What I learnt at Blitz is that yes, you do indeed need to be the best of the best to get a job as a concept artist… But someone has to do it, so why the hell can’t it be me?!

I’ve just got to work my buttocks off.


My visit to the Blitz open day gave me an incredible insight into where I want to be and how to get there if I did choose the games industry. I had a one to one feedback session where my portfolio was critiqued. They judged the work on industry standard, which terrified the life out of me.

I went in to that room expecting to be laughed at. I know that sounds ridiculous and melodramatic, but that’s honestly what was going through my mind. I expected to sit down, open up my portfolio and have to sit there, red faced while the professionals ripped apart my work and said, in the nicest way possible, I’d never make it at this rate, and perhaps should try for a secretarial work instead. Of course, that’s not what happened.. but I’ll go into that in my 2nd year review blog. Oh, I’m such a tease!

Actually.. secretarial work wouldn't be all that bad now I've thought about it, I have a thing for organising paper work and answering the phone. There you go, I have a fall back option. My other ‘just in case’ job would be to become a post woman… and no, I’m not joking.  Working in the outdoors, big tips at Christmas, finished by 12, good pay?! Cushty.

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